Setting Up Owncloud Infinite Scale Using Docker

· 413 words · 2 minute read

There are instructions for setting up a tech demo at [0], but these instructions result in a complaint about not having jwt_something not set up. A redditor pointed me towards [1], which seems to be a more complete document.

Demo Setup

Grab the ocis image.

docker pull owncloud/ocis

Create some necesary folders. We'll use the first to store the server config information. We'll use the second to persist the data the server produces. This means we can kill a container and create a new one and have all our configuration and data.

mkdir -p ocis/ocis-config && ocis/ocis-data

Initialize the configuration.

docker run --rm -ti -v ocis-config:/etc/ocis owncloud/ocis init

If you're like me, you've bumbled through this a few times already and now you're getting an error like:

Do you want to configure Infinite Scale with certificate checking disabled?
 This is not recommended for public instances! [yes | no = default] yes
2023/08/30 04:23:22 Could not create config: config in /etc/ocis/ocis.yaml already exists

Fortunately we can overwrite that config file, wherever it came fromi [2]. Seriously, I nuked all my images, all my containers, and still I cannot get a state where there was no config file.

docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD/ocis-config:/etc/ocis owncloud/ocis init -f

NOTE: You must use absolute filepaths for the above BIND mount in order for this to work.

Now that we have a configuration we can build a container to actually run.

The dockerfile

# Use the official OwnCloud/OCIS base image
FROM owncloud/ocis

# Set environment variables

# Create necessary directories
RUN mkdir -p /etc/ocis /var/lib/ocis

# Expose port 9200

And we build using

docker built -t ocis-insecure .

Mounts are absent from the above file. This just initializes our working image. We'll use docker-compose.yml to specify our mounts.

The docker-compose.yml

version: '3.1'

    image: ocis-insecure
    build: .
      - './ocis-config:/etc/ocis'
      - './ocis-data:/var/lib/ocis'
      - '9200:9200'

Note we have to re-assert what ports we are forwarding.

Now we can launch the app and see if it works.

Check it out.

Find the host's address and go to https://<host IP address>:9200 in a browser. You should be greeted with a login page.

Right now my browsers complain about invalid certificates, so let's fix that. Later. When we roll a deployment of this app, it'll be behind a reverse proxy (maybe Nginx Proxy Manager [3] or linuxserver/swag [4]).